

This bag is really nice. I like the way the bag fits on my back; the way the straps are feels really nice. It can't fit that much in it, but if you place certain things in it the right way, you can pack it pretty well without it looking like it is over packed. I like the material they used inside for the laptop, and the zippered compartment on top is great for things that I need to get to quickly and often. The zipper in front is great too, for pens and things like that. It also has some organizers inside, and they have soft material that make them up, too. There is only one thing I don't really care for on the bag, and that is the chest strap. I like chest straps on my bags, but it is made out of recycled aluminum, and so it feels a little cheap, which isn't too bad, but I don't like how it has to go in order to stay closed. It fits together in a strange way and it bothers me on my chest and hurts. (I'm a female, so there are other things there, but maybe a guy might not find a problem with how it feels.) Overall I am happy with this bag. The material it is made out of what seems like a tough material, so I'm sure it will last me many years, since I am really rough on my bags! Logohoo like usual was great!

Woman backpack:woman-1235755


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